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Tonya Harding


Tonya Harding: Figure Skating Star and Controversial Icon

Early Life and Career

WEB Tonya Maxene Price née Harding was born on November 12, 1970, in Portland, Oregon. She began skating at the age of three and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming one of the most promising young skaters in the United States.

Harding's breakout moment came in 1991 when she became the first American woman to land a triple axel jump in competition. This impressive feat made her an instant sensation and earned her a spot on the U.S. Olympic team.

1994 Olympics and Controversy

WEB Harding's career was marked by both triumphs and controversies, with the most infamous incident occurring in the lead-up to the 1994 Winter Olympics.

Harding's rival, Nancy Kerrigan, was brutally attacked in Detroit, Michigan, just days before the Olympics. Harding's ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, and bodyguard, Shawn Eckhardt, were later convicted of orchestrating the attack.

Harding was subsequently stripped of her 1994 Olympic medals and banned from skating for life by the U.S. Figure Skating Association.

Retirement and Later Years

WEB After her skating career ended, Harding went on to pursue other ventures, including boxing, reality television, and acting.

In recent years, Harding has spoken out about the controversies surrounding her career and has expressed regret for her involvement in the Kerrigan attack.


Tonya Harding remains an enduring figure in American sports history, both for her athletic accomplishments and the controversies that have defined her life.

Despite her tumultuous career, Harding's determination and resilience continue to inspire others, while the events surrounding the Kerrigan attack serve as a cautionary tale about the dark side of competitive sports.

