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Iran Nuclear Doctrine Change Possible If Israel Threatens Existence

Iran Nuclear Doctrine Change Possible if Israel Threatens Existence

Adviser to Supreme Leader Warns of Doctrine Shift

Tehran Considers Israel to be an Existential Threat

Iran's nuclear doctrine may undergo a revision if Israel poses a threat to the country's existence, according to an adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader. The adviser's remarks serve as the most recent statement from an Iranian official on the matter.

The adviser emphasized that Iran views Israel as an "existential threat" and that the nuclear program remains a deterrent against potential aggressors. He added that Iran and the UN nuclear agency continue to engage in discussions over the implementation of a 2023 agreement on inspections.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has not publicly addressed Israel's recent strike on Iran. However, the Iranian Presidency has issued a statement condemning the attack.

The possibility of Iran altering its nuclear doctrine highlights the complex and delicate nature of the situation in the Middle East. As tensions between Iran and Israel continue to simmer, the international community remains closely monitoring the developments and their potential implications for regional stability.
